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Explore Chinese dragon culture at Yangquan Museum

Updated: 2024-02-08

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Dragon-themed cultural relics are on display at the Yangquan Museum in Yangquan city. [Photo/Yellow River News] 

A special exhibition on Chinese dragon culture has officially opened to visitors at the Yangquan Museum in Yangquan city, North China's Shanxi province, on Feb 1. 

Hosted by the Yangquan bureau of culture and tourism, the exhibition showcases a collection of dragon-themed culture artifacts from nearly 100 domestic museums, treating the city's residents to a visual feast.


Dragon-themed cultural relics and artworks are on display at the Yangquan Museum in Yangquan city. [Photo/Yellow River News] 

The exhibition is divided into four sections and features both ancient relics and modern crafts. It offers insights into the origin, imagery, legends, and significance of the Chinese dragon. From porcelain, cloisonné, and paper-cuttings, to root carvings, fabric art, and sculptures, a diverse array of intricate dragon-themed artworks are on display. 

With over 100 artifacts on display, including 69 intangible cultural heritage works, the exhibition will run until April 15.


Visitors view a dragon-themed handicraft at the Yangquan Museum in Yangquan city. [Photo/Yellow River News]
