During the Dragon Boat Festival holiday, which will last from June 8 to 10 this year, Taiyuan's museums will launch 189 online and on-site activities to welcome tourists, as well as celebrate Cultural and Natural Heritage Day, which falls on June 8.

These activities include 42 events and 49 exhibitions on-site, as well as eight events and 90 exhibitions online. At Jinci Temple Museum, visitors will have the chance to participate in a series of games like pitch-pot, archery, and ring tossing, giving them a better understanding of Jinci's rich cultural heritage.

Taiyuan Museum will send teams to residential communities, enterprises, and schools, where activities will be held to allow participants to experience intangible cultural heritage items such as incense making, tie-dyeing, water printing, face painting, paper-cutting, glasswork, and tea ceremony.

Taishan Museum will launch a zongzi wrapping activity, inviting people to taste Taishan Fuzong for free. Cultural activities such as singing, musical instruments, and dramas will also be offered to celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival.

In addition to the permanent exhibitions of various cultural and museum venues, new exhibitions will also be launched.

Jinyang Ancient City Archaeological Museum's exhibition of the protection and restoration results of the bronze wares from the Wayaopo Tomb site will exhibit more than 50 exquisite bronze wares, while Taishan Art Museum's exhibition of ancient Shanxi stone carving art rubbings will bring together more than 80 pieces of stone carving rubbings.