
Bell Tower Street in Taiyuan is bustling with visitors during the New Year's Day holiday from Dec 30 to Jan 1. [Photo/Taiyuan Evening News]

During the New Year's Day holiday from Dec 30 to Jan 1, the cultural and tourism market in Taiyuan, capital of North China's Shanxi province, saw a significant boost. 

The city's major scenic spots, parks, tourism and leisure districts, and nighttime consumption areas received 1.12 million visits, a year-on-year increase of 226.71 percent. Their ticket revenue reached 29.90 million yuan ($4.18 million), up 489.3 percent year-on-year.

The city organized over 100 cultural activities at public venues during this time. These activities covered a wide range of categories, including intangible cultural heritage shows, art performances, exhibitions, and reading promotions. 

Taiyuan also launched four thematic travel routes concerning snow appreciation, ice skating, and New Year-themed performances.

During the three-day holiday period, tourists to Taiyuan were mainly from within the province, as well as from Beijing and Hebei province.