The Shanxi provincial medical team which went to Central China's Hubei province treated 3,341 patients infected by the novel coronavirus pneumonia there, according to local authorities on March 17.
Medical experts from North China's Shanxi province were organized into a team to give circuit diagnoses and treatment in Hubei province.
In addition, more than 2,300 medical experts offered telemedicine services through the Shanxi Medicine Association's telemedicine and medical consultation platform.
The medical aid team implemented integrated Chinese and Western medicine to treat novel coronavirus infections in Qianjiang, Xiantao and Tianmen cities in Hubei province, with 219 local infected patients taking traditional Chinese medicine whose effective cure rate reached 98.5 percent.
To prevent the further spread of the epidemic, Shanxi provincial medical team sent experts in the infection, respiratory and disease control fields to communities, companies and centralized quarantine sites -- to guide access management, health monitoring and epidemiological investigations.
As of March 15, there were a total of 221 infected cases on the mend due to Shanxi provincial medical team's efforts, officials said.
In particular, the recovery rate of the infections in Xiantao, Tianmen and Qianjiang cites were all above 91 percent.