
Pic 11: Shahukou (or Tiger-Killing) Pass


Pic 12, Rishengchang Money-Transfer Firm


Pic 13: The ancient town of Pingyao

Relics left by Jin merchants 

A tour of the sites of Jin merchants' activities, for instance, the Shahukou Pass (pic 11), Rishengchang Money-Transfer Firm (pic 12), the Ming and Qing streets in the ancient town of Pingyao (pic 13), the ancient town of Jikou and the escorting firms (pic 15), is a vivid presentation of the evidences of the Jin merchants, and a chance to experience the past glory of the merchants.


Pic 14: The ancient town of Jikou


Pic 15: The No 1 Escorting Firm of North China


Pic 16: The items used by Jin merchants

Jin merchants' guildhouses

The guildhouses are silent witnesses to the 500-year glorious history of Jin merchants and also an encyclopedia to learn about the Chinese commercial history. During the past centuries, the guildhouses had functioned as liaison offices, sites for worshipping gods, performing venues and conference venues. As liaison offices, the guildhouses played important roles for business-government communications, solving disputes and assisting the ones in need. They had greatly contributed to the prosperity of Jin merchants. At present, the guildhouses, in the names of Jin merchants guildhouses (pic 17), Shanxi guildhouses, Qunjin guildhouse of Shan-Shaan guildhouse, are still educational venues for people to learn from the enterprising and honest spirits of Jin merchants.


Pic 17: Jin merchants guildhouse


Pic 20: The movie entitled Qiao's Mansion

Modern renderings of the Jin merchants' stories

A number of modern renderings of the Jin merchants' stories, including the drama of Beginning of Autumn (pic 18), dancing drama A Handful of Acid Date (pic 19), Peking Opera Beyond the West Pass, TV dramas Rush to Northeast, Qiao's Mansion and Silver Valley, have been put on stage to showcase the images, spirits and adventures of Jin merchants. While bringing the past history to life, the stories are always heart-touching because of their nature of pathos.


Pic 19: Dancing drama A Handful of Acid Date


Pic 18: Drama The Beginning of Autumn