New lab building of North University of China breaks ground
A new building of the State Key Laboratory of Dynamic Testing Technology broke ground at the North University of China in Taiyuan, capital of North China's Shanxi province, on Nov 29.
University in Shanxi to establish sorghum tech institute
The "Belt and Road" International Sorghum Industry Science and Technology Innovation Institute of Shanxi Agricultural University was recently approved for establishment.
Jincheng has own undergraduate university
A founding conference for the Shanxi Institute of Science and Technology was held in Jincheng city in North China's Shanxi province on Aug 6.
East China Normal University to cooperate with Shanxi
A delegation from East China Normal University surveyed government-university cooperation and talent cultivation in Shanxi province.
Shanxi gets active in attracting talent from universities
Shanxi issued an implementation plan for expanding provincial government-university cooperation on June 19.
Students nationwide gear up for gaokao
A record 10.78 million students around China are expected to take this year's national college entrance exam.
Shanxi moves to guarantee basic rural education
Shanxi province has in recent years strengthened guarantees for its overall education system.