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Efforts in ecological restoration enhance livability in Yangquan

Updated: 2024-04-08


Peach blossoms pictured in Yangquan. [Photo/Yangquan Evening News]

Yangquan in North China's Shanxi province is intensifying its efforts in pollution prevention and ecological restoration to create a more livable and sustainable city environment.

The city is vigorously combatting pollution on multiple fronts. It has fully implemented the national action plan for improving air quality, focusing on coordinated control of various pollutants. Measures include strict control and management of industrial enterprises, especially those in sectors like coal and electricity, alongside ongoing initiatives like the "Clean Factory" campaign.

Furthermore, Yangquan is actively addressing autumn and winter air pollution problems through comprehensive measures targeting industrial, mobile, and dust sources, and promoting clean transportation.

Efforts are also underway to strengthen water pollution prevention, including the rigorous monitoring and treatment of river discharge points and the comprehensive governance of urban and rural water bodies. The city has also completed rain and sewage diversion projects to improve water quality.

In addition to pollution control, Yangquan is prioritizing ecological protection and restoration. It is emphasizing the integrated management of mountains, rivers, forests, farmlands, lakes, grasslands, and deserts, with a focus on ecological restoration projects in various areas.

Moreover, the city is advancing initiatives for carbon reduction, energy management, and the development of green industries. These efforts align with Yangquan's commitment to a sustainable and environmentally friendly future.