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Gao Changhong

Updated: 2019-04-18

Gao Changhong (1898-?), a native of Xigou village, Yuxian county, was a veteran of the "Kuangbiao Literary Society", of great influence in the history of modern Chinese literature. Gao developed into a progressive writer under the training of Lu Xun, a leading figure of modern Chinese literature. From 1924 to 1928, he initiated and organized the "Kuangbiao Movement" in Taiyuan, Beijing, Shanghai and other places, and founded many progressive publications. He was also an important member of the "Mangyuan Literary Society" advocated by Lu Xun and assisted him in compiling the "Mangyuan Weekly". From 1929 to 1936, he traveled extensively to Japan, Germany, France, and Italy to explore ways to save the country and the people. After the outbreak of the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression, he returned to China and engaged in anti-Japanese national salvation activities in the cities of Wuhan and Chongqing. In1941, he went to Yan'an on foot to participate in revolutionary work. In1946, he arrived in the Northeast Liberated Area and died from mental illness. In more than 20 years of literary creation he published thousands of works including 17 books, using a total of about 1.3 million words. He was one of the most prolific and most accomplished writers in Shanxi province. In 1989, the Gao Changhong Collection (three volumes) was published by the China Social Science Press.