

Preview of Pingyao New Year activities

Updated:2015-02-09 17:31

Pingyao county's radio, film and TV administration and literature and arts federation in Shanxi province are busy preparing for the annual Pingyao Chinese New Year event.

Pingyao gets better rail service for Spring Festival

Updated:2015-02-09 17:26

To guarantee passenger safety and a smooth ride, the station has done as much as it can for the rush period.

Shanxi gets 6,284 valid invention patents in 2014

Updated:2015-02-09 17:15

In 2014, Shanxi province applied for 6,107 patents of invention, up 1.4 percent from the previous year.

Spring Festival market goes smoothly

Updated:2015-02-06 17:16

As Spring Festival approaches, people in Pingyao county, Shanxi province are busy spending for the big event and for family reunions.

Financial support for small farming companies

Updated:2015-02-06 14:16

The Pingyao Agricultural Bank took more action this past year to provide financial supports, especially for farm-related and micro-to-small companies, by changing its credit structure and loan applications.

Pingyao ready for Spring Festival rush

Updated:2015-02-06 14:01

Pingyao county's transportation is ready for the Spring Festival rush this year.

Small businesses in a new market environment

Updated:2015-02-05 15:24

Small-to-mid-sized companies in Pingyao county have waded through the ups and downs of a changing market and have actually made some progress

Social welfare largely improved in Pingyao county

Updated:2015-02-04 15:29

Pingyao county, Shanxi province has been improving its social welfare as one of its major goals and will soon be holding its annual economy conference and will discuss input in social welfare and improving the system.

Pingyao calligraphy lovers send out Spring Festival couplets

Updated:2015-02-03 15:18

Around 100 calligraphy lovers get together to write the character 'Fu', or 'good luck', for local cadres and residents, in the build-up to Spring Festival in Pingyao county, Shanxi.

Governor sees 2015 as crucial year for deepening overall reform

Updated:2015-02-03 14:03

Li Xiaopeng, governor of Shanxi province, made the government work report on behalf the provincial government.

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