Shanxi prioritizes ecology amid development efforts
Shanxi province has been integrated into the ecological protection and high-quality development efforts of the Yellow River basin, coordinated reduction of carbon and pollution, greenery expansion and economic growth, and improved the carbon sink capacity of ecosystems in recent years.
2 cities in Shanxi recognized for regional reclaimed water recycling
Jincheng and Yuncheng in North China's Shanxi province were recently included in a list of pilot cities for regional reclaimed water recycling in 2022.
Shanxi to afforest over 2,666 sq km of land in 2023
Shanxi province aims to afforest some 2,666 square kilometers of land in 2023.
Shanxi issues plan to improve water ecology
The Shanxi Department of Ecology and Environment announced its plan to restore the water ecology in the Shanxi section of the Yellow River basin on Jan 30.
Qinshui county recognized for green development
Qinshui county in North China's Shanxi province was recently included in the list of China's top 100 counties in terms of green development in 2022.
Shanxi's environment delivers the feel-good factor
Pictures of blue skies dotted with white clouds, and rivers and lakes with clear waters were a hit on social media in Shanxi on New Year's Day.
Yellow River protection efforts bolstered
China's Yellow River Protection Law to further enhance the waterway's governance and protection will take effect on April 1.