11 Shanxi museums make national list


Updated: 2024-09-09

The fifth batch of national museum grading evaluations was recently announced at the 10th Chinese Exposition of Museums and Relevant Products and Technologies, with 11 museums from North China's Shanxi province making the list.

Among the newly listed museums, 321 were classified as National Second Level Museums, including five from Shanxi – Jinshang Museum, Jinzhong City Museum, Wentao Ancient Weapons Museum in Pingyao county, Xinzhou Museum, and Shanxi Lyuliangshan Revolutionary Museum. These museums were recognized for their rich collections, professional management, and exceptional public services.

An additional 240 museums were newly classified as National Third Level Museums, six of which are from Shanxi. These include the Hundred Regiments Offensive Memorial Hall and Jiexiu City Museum, which excel in exhibitions, academic research, and social services, securing their place on the national list.

In December 2023, the Chinese Museums Association launched the fifth batch of national museum grading evaluations under the guidance of the National Cultural Heritage Administration. Experts evaluated 1,148 applicants, and 123 National First Level Museums were officially announced on May 18 this year.

Currently, Shanxi boasts nine National First Level Museums, 19 National Second Level Museums, and 21 National Third Level Museums. These museums enrich the cultural and spiritual lives of the public and serve as important windows showcasing the province's historical and cultural charm.