Global Top 500 New Energy Enterprises Forum to focus on construction of new power system


Updated: 2024-09-03

The Global Top 500 New Energy Enterprises Forum, a major annual event in the new energy sector, has been successfully held five times since 2019, during the Taiyuan Energy Low-carbon Development Forum. This year's event is titled "2024 New Energy and Power Market Innovation Development Conference and the 14th Global Top 500 New Energy Enterprises Forum".

Co-hosted by the Shanxi Provincial Energy Administration, China Energy News, and China Datang Corporation, the Global Top 500 New Energy Enterprises Forum will take place on the afternoon of Sept 10. It aims to address challenges in new energy consumption, improve green electricity and green power certificate trading mechanisms, and promote the coordinated development of the new energy and power markets.

The forum will also clarify the methods and pathways for new energy market participation and enhance the power market's ability to accommodate a higher proportion of new energy. By bringing together top experts and leading companies from throughout the global industrial chain, the forum seeks to provide valuable insights for the construction of new power systems.

This year's forum will continue in the tradition of previous forums, focusing on the discussion of pressing topics in a professional manner and offering a global platform for exhibition, exchanges, and collaboration. Furthermore, the event format has been improved, comprising one main forum, two industry salons focusing on green electricity, green power certificates, and carbon footprints, visits to exemplary enterprises in the Shanxi power spot market, and the release of three key report. These reports include the 2024 Global Top 500 New Energy Enterprises Report and Ranking, the 2024 China Corporate Carbon Neutral Contribution Report, and the 2024 Double Carbon Technology Innovation Cases.