Shanxi's comprehensive energy reform steadily advances


Updated: 2024-06-26

Since the "Opinions on Establishing Comprehensive Reform Pilots for Energy Revolution in Shanxi" was approved in 2019, North China's Shanxi province has been actively laying out new business models and accelerating the development of a new energy system.

According to data from the Shanxi Provincial Energy Administration, there are currently 118 intelligent coal mines in Shanxi, with over half of the province's coal production capacity achieving intelligent mining, and the proportion of advanced coal production capacity exceeding 80 percent.

In March this year, the Shanxi coal industry internet platform was officially launched. As the first coal industry intelligent platform in China, it stores massive data from over 400 coal mines, and through large model training, it can help enterprises that have joined the platform lower their technological research and development barriers and accelerate the development of intelligent products.

The proportion of green buildings among the newly built buildings and the coverage rate of clean heating in urban and rural areas in Shanxi have exceeded 90 percent. Buses and taxis in 11 urban built-up areas have all been upgraded to new energy vehicles, and a total of 63,600 new energy vehicle charging stations have been built.

In addition, Shanxi is accelerating the market-oriented reform of electricity to promote the balance of electricity supply and demand. In December of last year, Shanxi took the lead in officially operating the electricity spot market nationwide, which will help power users to balance the peak and valley periods and promote the consumption of new energy.