Shanxi works to establish 'zero-carbon mines'


Updated: 2024-06-24

In July 2023, North China's Shanxi province proposed the creation of five "zero carbon mines" in the province by 2025 and the realization of net-zero carbon dioxide emissions from coal mines by integrating innovative technologies and management practices in multiple fields such as energy conservation and carbon reduction, zero carbon energy supply, and gas utilization through digital means.

After expert evaluation and selection in December 2023, Malan Mine was identified as a pilot unit for creating a zero carbon (near zero carbon) industry demonstration zone, and became one of the first three mines representing Shanxi's coal industry that will be built into a "zero carbon mine".

According to the requirements for creating a "zero carbon mine", Malan Mine mainly focuses on researching the "zero carbon mine" creation model, energy-saving renovation of mechanical and electrical equipment, intelligent mine construction, and innovation in carbon emission management to plan key projects.

To date, the "zero carbon mine" creation projects have been progressing in an orderly manner according to the plan. Among them, land reclamation projects such as road restoration and vegetation restoration have entered the acceptance process, and the on-site debugging has been conducted by the equipment manufacturer for the waste heat utilization system of gas power generation.

Furthermore, in order to better utilize digital means, Malan Mine is promoting the construction of a carbon emission information management platform and strengthening cooperation with relevant scientific research institutions to conduct research on zero carbon mining technologies.

At present, the gas utilization rate of Malan Mine has reached 54 percent, and the proportion of vehicle electrification is constantly increasing. These have laid a solid foundation for achieving net-zero carbon dioxide emissions from the mining areas in the province.