Shanxi to upgrade two nature reserves


Updated: 2024-05-28

The Shanxi Development and Reform Commission recently approved renovations on two nature reserves in North China's Shanxi province, with a total investment of approximately 25 million yuan ($3.45 million).

The Wulushan National Nature Reserve is located in Shanxi's Puxian and Xixian counties. It is a forest reserve, with a forest coverage rate of 68 percent. The main protected species are rare birds such as brown-eared pheasants and unique Chinese trees like the lacebark pine.

Renovations on the Wulushan National Nature Reserve include hardening the protection station floor, painting walls, renovating the heating system, and adding boundary markers, signboards, and scientific research monitoring stations. Total investment in the project is 15.3 million yuan and renovations will last two years.

The Heichashan National Nature Reserve is located in the middle section of the Lyuliang Mountain and is one of the areas with the richest biodiversity in the low mountainous areas of northwestern Shanxi. It mainly protects the area where deciduous broad-leaved forests in the temperate zone meet temperate grassland.

Renovations on the Heichashan National Nature Reserve include renovating protection stations, maintaining the water supply and drainage systems of the protection stations, building new hydropower systems, and purchasing scientific research and monitoring equipment. Total investment is 9.7 million yuan, and renovations will last two years.