Shanxi promotes its culture and tourism in Indonesia


Updated: 2024-04-07


The Shanxi Province Culture and Tourism (Indonesia) Special Promotion Conference is held in Jakarta, capital of Indonesia, on April 1. [Photo/]

The Shanxi Province Culture and Tourism (Indonesia) Special Promotion Conference was held in Jakarta, capital of Indonesia, on April 1, aiming to strengthen culture and tourism cooperation and exchanges between the two regions and attract more Southeast Asian tourists to visit Shanxi.

The event was hosted by the Shanxi Department of Culture and Tourism, and co-organized by the Indonesian Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy, the Association of the Indonesian Tours and Travel Agencies, and Xiamen Airlines. This marks the first specialized tourism promotion conducted by the province in Indonesia since the resumption of cross-border tourism.

The conference was attended by Liu Yongsheng, secretary of the leading Party members group of the Shanxi Department of Culture and Tourism; Ibulany Setiawati, head of meeting promotion and publication department of the Indonesian Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy; and Teddy Sugianto, chairman of the Chinese Indonesian Association. They expressed their support for mutual exchange and jointly promoting the development of the tourism industry in both regions.

During the promotion, Xiamen Airlines promoted its seven Indonesia-China flight routes to facilitate Indonesian tourists traveling to Shanxi.

To prolong the effect of this promotional event, Shanxi's promotion posters have been officially displayed at the Jakarta High-Speed Railway Station since April 1, lasting for a month and a half. People can obtain information about Shanxi's culture and tourism by scanning the QR code.

During the symposium with the officials of the Indonesian Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy, Liu said that Shanxi will offer a rich variety of tourism experiences and well-developed facilities to ensure a satisfying travel experience for Indonesian tourists.