Latin American delegation visits Shanxi


Updated: 2024-04-07

A trade and business delegation from the Latin America-China International Chamber of Commerce visited North China's Shanxi province from March 30 to April 2. 

During their visit, the delegation toured the Shanxi Sports Center and Taiyuan No 48 Middle School in the provincial capital of Taiyuan. They also conducted inspections on enterprises in Jinzhong and Yuncheng cities, and held a project matchmaking meeting with Huayuan Inland Port Group and the Jinzhong National Agricultural High-Tech Industry Demonstration Zone. 

The delegates also witnessed the signing of a friendly exchange agreement between Palacios, Santa Fe Province in Argentina, and Jiangxian county in Yuncheng city. 

Fernando Andres, president of the chamber, has been committed to fostering friendly exchanges between Shanxi and South America for many years. He expressed his hope to lead more members of the chamber to seek business opportunities in Shanxi in the future. This will further strengthen friendly exchanges and cooperation between the two sides, especially in the fields of new energy, agriculture, sports, and education.