Shanxi advances intelligent coal mining


Updated: 2023-05-24

Shanxi province recently issued an implementation plan to comprehensively promote intelligent coal mines' construction and a coal industrial internet platform. 

The plan clarifies the goal of intelligent coal mining: by 2027, all types of coal mines in the province will achieve intelligence in operation. 

It specifies six tasks, including unifying the overall design of intelligent coal mines, standardizing data standards and communications interfaces, building intelligent systems for underground coal mines according to local conditions, and improving the intelligent coal mine construction and evaluation system, so as to achieve safe, efficient and intelligent coal mining. 

Specifically, in 2023, Shanxi plans to start intelligent transformation of coal mines with annual production capacity of 1.8 million metric tons and above, and build 80 intelligent mines; in 2024, start intelligent transformation of coal mines with annual production capacity of 1.2 million tons and above, and build another 150 intelligent mines; in 2025, large-scale and disaster-prone coal mines and other qualified coal mines will realize intelligent operation and production.