Shanxi announces 10 organic dryland farming projects


North China's Shanxi province plans to implement 10 major projects to develop organic dryland agriculture in the current year, according to an announcement from Shanxi Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs on Jan 13.

The projects include improving the quality of arable land, tackling critical problems in dryland farming and integrating agricultural technology, recycling development and brand building. 

Shanxi will cultivate more than 1,866 square kilometers of high-standard farmland, carry out pilot projects for the restoration of degraded agricultural land and establish more than 66 sq km of demonstration zones to apply comprehensive technologies to improve the quality of cultivated land.

The province will form a standard system for organic dryland agriculture, promote water-saving crop varieties suitable for dryland farming and realize the steady reduction of chemical fertilizer utilization. 

It will create more than 66 sq km of demonstration areas focused on reducing the use of chemical fertilizers and improving fertilizer efficiency. More than 33 sq km of demonstration areas for organic fertilizer will also be developed, along with 20 sq km of fields to promote integrated irrigation fertilization technology.

Shanxi will also conduct brand building and marketing. Authorities will organize agricultural product fairs for dryland farming and support qualified farm produce and farming enterprises to participate in online and offline trade fairs, exhibitions and expos.