
What to do


Mingqing Street

Mingqing Street is located on Pingyao county’s central axis.

Shuanglin Temple

The Shuanglin (Twin Trees) Temple was originally known as the Zhongdu Temple, which was built around 571 AD.

First Armed Escort in North China

This is found to the south of 22 East St, in Pingyao, and has a front, middle and back part.

City God Temple

This was built with a “harmony between heaven and humans” principle, with South St as an axis and an east-west symmetry and the temple as the prominent site.

Zhenguo Temple

The Zhenguo (Safeguarding the Country) Temple is found in the village of Haodong, in the northern part of Pingyao county.

Market Tower

There is no exact record of when this was built, with historical records only indicating that the first renovation of the tower was in 1688.

Rishengchang Draft Bank

It was the first and largest draft bank operating remittance business in China.

Qingxu Taoist Temple

Qingxu Taoist Temple (Qingxuguan) is the largest temple in Pingyao county

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