Datong advances agricultural, animal husbandry development

(chinadaily.com.cn) Updated: 2021-03-03

Datong city in northern Shanxi province will promote the construction of key animal husbandry projects and continue to encourage the development of the Yanmen Pass agricultural and pastoral zone this year. 

The city plans to accelerate the construction of high-quality herbivorous animal husbandry production bases and develop into a famous dairy city by depending on local large-scale dairy industrial leaders such as Mutong, Zhongdi, Sifang, Heigao and Yilei. 

The construction and production of pig and broiler slaughtering and processing industrial projects will also be promoted. 

In addition, the city will further the protection of local fine-bred livestock and poultry resources, expand farms of special-quality pig breeds and advance the construction of breeding bases for Yanyun white sheep and Daqingbei goats. 

Last year, Datong built 15 animal husbandry demonstration farms, two leading enterprises in forage processing, purchasing and storage, and three municipal-level demonstration projects for grass and farming science and technology.

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