

Pingyao promotes high-quality educational development

Updated:2024-01-17 12:02
( goshanxi.com.cn)

Pingyao county in North China's Shanxi province made significant efforts to promote balanced and high-quality education in 2023, aiming to improve the quality of teaching and education as a whole. 

Efforts were made to revamp underperforming schools and procure new equipment. This included the completion of reconstruction projects for 16 rural boarding schools in eight townships, with a total investment exceeding 26 million yuan ($3.63 million). Over 17 million yuan was allocated for the first phase of infrastructure construction in high schools and equipment procurement for basic education schools, as well as the construction of digital campuses.

Activities such as in-person training for rural school teachers were organized last year. Furthermore, 19 subject-based master teacher studios were established, forming a mechanism for cultivating a team of distinguished teachers. 

The comprehensive evaluation system for primary and middle schools was revised and improved, with efforts made to advance institutional reforms. The establishment of the Beiguan Campus of the Pingyao Experimental Primary School Education Group, through inter-school collaboration and resource integration, created a platform for the joint construction and sharing of high-quality educational resources. 

Priority was also given to standardizing experiential learning practices and building a repository of practice and learning resources. Pingyao Ancient City and the Tangdu Polished Lacquer Art Museum were designated as national practice and study tour bases.

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