

Liangcun village

Updated:2021-06-16 10:44
( chinadaily.com.cn)


An ancient dwelling in Liangcun village in Pingyao county [Photo/pingyao.gov.cn]

Liangcun village in Yuebi township, 6 kilometers southeast of the Ancient City of Pingyao, is a famous historical and cultural village in China and a provincial 3A-rated rural tourist attraction in Shanxi province. 

The village was first formed in the Xia (c.21st century-16th century BC) and Shang (c.16th century-11th century BC) dynasties. It has undergone continuous development from the Sui (581-618) and Tang (618-907) dynasties to China's modern period. 

It consists of one street and five ancient castles and is the most typical existing rural ancient fortress group in China. Its layout resembles a phoenix spreading its wings, earning it the name "Phoenix Ancient Castle."


An ancient tower in Liangcun village [Photo/pingyao.gov.cn]

Liangcun village still retains human relics from some 3,000 years ago. The Jifu Temple, built in the Tang Dynasty, and Zhenwu Temple still host many monks, pilgrims and visitors praying for blessings. 

There is also a botanical garden that locals and visitors consider the top choice for relaxing in the village. The 368.33-hectare botanical garden has 15 sections made up of various fruit plants, flowers and trees.

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