

Unusual theatrical production depicts Pingyao imaginatively

Updated:2023-09-11 17:00
( chinadaily.com.cn)


The unusual theater where the production of Another Glance at Pingyao is west to the Ancient City of Pingyao. [Photo/pingyao.gov.cn]

The production Another Glance at Pingyao or Encore Pingyao by Chinese theater director Wang Chaoge is a combination of performance art and theater showing scenes from the history of the ancient Pingyao in North China's Shanxi province.

The production's sets were especially designed for the show to depict the stories that happened in the Ancient City of Pingyao nearby.

The theater where the production is currently being staged has an unusually configured interior, completely different to traditional theaters.

It has no formal stage and no auditorium and the audience watches the production while walking about and the performers act around the audience, giving the viewers to become an integral part of the show.

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