

Tai chi ball competition held in Pingyao

Updated:2023-06-28 10:25
( goshanxi.com.cn)

A two-day public tai chi ball competition of the 16th Games of Shanxi Province opened in Pingyao county in North China's Shanxi province on June 27. 

The competition, hosted by the Shanxi Provincial Government, has attracted 192 athletes from 11 teams in 10 cities. They have been competing with each other in four programs according to two age groups, 18-45 and 46-70. 

Tai chi ball, a native sport that combines tai chi, badminton, and tennis skills, has swept the nation since its launch in 1991. 

The event has established a solid platform for the legion of tai chi ball enthusiasts in the province, which will further promote the deep integration of public health and exercise through sports.

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