New motor housing unit factory to start up in Pingyao
Updated:2019-11-08 10:36(
A high-performance intelligent factory for manufacturing motor housing units -- constructed by Pingyao Huaxing Motor Casting Co based in Pingyao county -- recently completed final adjustments and will soon go into trial production, according to the company.
The company said the new plant, with annual production capacity of 25,000 metric tons of units, was its response to the national green environmental protection requirements.
A spokesman said that the new plant represented the company's intelligent upgrade from existing output facilities which suffered from high energy consumption, high pollution, and outdated production methods.
To improve efficiency and ensure product quality, the entire production process for the motor housing units are now fully automated, according to a director of the company.
Officials said that once the project is put into production, it will drive the rapid development of local machinery, transportation, equipment, marketing, advertising and the trade industries -- and improve the technical levels of related industries in Shanxi province.