

Volunteer training for national youth games starts

Updated:2019-05-08 18:30
( chinadaily.com.cn)

Training of volunteers for the Taiyuan leg of the second National Youth Games recently started in the capital and largest city of Shanxi province. 

Officials said that after months of online testing and interviews, some 6,500 out of 16,590 undergraduate applicants have been selected.

Volunteers will receive briefings on general information about the national youth games, sports culture, emergency management, the province of Shanxi, and etiquette training for volunteers in 14 universities and colleges in Taiyuan over eight days. 

Job skills training and drills will be organized for all the volunteers after general information briefings. Applicants who pass the training will get the qualifications needed for the volunteer posts.

The second National Youth Games will be held in Shanxi province in August.

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