Pingyao works to stem hepatitis B transmissions
Updated:2019-01-18 17:30(
A project to help prevent and cut the number of mother-to-child transmissions of the hepatitis B virus was initiated at Pingyao People's Hospital on Jan 16.
The project is being led by Professor Hou Jinlin, a Pingyao-born vice-chairman of the Chinese Foundation for Hepatitis Prevention and Control.
Hou, along with other representatives of the foundation and Pingyao government officials attended the project initiation ceremony. The professor also examined a number of patients at the hospital following the event.
Hepatitis B, a serious illness that endangers human health, has two transmission routes: through blood and from mother-to-child. There are about 30,000 hepatitis B patients and carriers in Pingyao county. And the new project is expected to be of enormous value in cutting the number of cases of the virus.
Medical staff specializing in obstetrics and gynecology, pediatrics, gastroenterology and infectious diseases at three major local hospitals, 20 rural clinics and three community health centers will take part in the initiative, cutting the number of cases and benefiting the health of residents living throughout the county.