

E-commerce logistics park opens in Pingyao

Updated:2017-11-13 16:49
( chinadaily.com.cn)

Jinzhong city's first county-level e-commerce logistics park has recently opened in Pingyao county, helping county-level logistics companies integrate their resources.

Pingyao E-commerce Logistics Park in north Pingyao has attracted total investment of 35.3 million yuan ($5.31 million) and covers an area of more than 8,000 square meters, with the office area measuring 2,000 sq m and warehousing, sorting and distribution area measuring 3,000 sq m.

To facilitate the development of logistics and reduce costs, the park has constructed logistics facilities worth 1 million yuan, including baggage screening machines and sorting conveyor belts, as well as offering reduced rents.

Currently, five logistics businesses, including Yunda Express and Zto Express, have established operations in the park.

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