

Pingyao trains for rural tourism

Updated:2016-10-20 13:18
( chinadaily.com.cn)

Residents of Buyi in Pingyao county were given training on how to better develop rural tourism in the town on Oct 18.

During the seven-day training, instructors from Pingyao Modern Engineering Technology School whose disciplines span many fields, such as IT and travel services, spoke of the current development trends in rural tourism and the related supporting government policies.

After the training, the residents expressed that they had much more confidence in starting a business in rural tourism and a better understanding of the industry and the potential of their hometown.

Fostering rural sightseeing will give a strong impetus to the structural optimization of local economy, said the authority of Buyi. Based on its abundant natural and cultural resources, the town will conduct branded recreation activities, such as rural homestays and farming experiences. The boom in rural tourism will create more jobs for locals and improve their income in turn.

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