

Shanxi in the Eyes of Foreigners

Updated:2016-01-26 17:09
( chinadaily.com.cn)

Shanxi in the Eyes of Foreigners

Shanxi province put itself on the global stage last year by inviting foreign media to explore its attractions and share them with their followers.

The activity, “Shanxi in the eyes of foreigners”, was a highlight of the province’s publicity and showcased the region in both Chinese and foreign media.

Jointly organized by China Daily and the Shanxi Provincial Tourism Bureau, more than 500 applicants from about 40 countries vied to join the tours. Forty-eight were selected, to take part in three themed tours. China Daily also sent staff from different departments on the trips, led by senior photographer Wang Wenlan.

The three groups visited Shanxi in May, July and September, with each trip focusing on a different theme. The May group went sightseeing on Taihang Mountain, visitors enjoyed cultural heritage in July and the September team focused on the culture of the Yellow River and it’s near neighbors.

Many of the province’s iconic tourist spots were on the agenda, including Jin Memorial Temple, Pingyao ancient city, Qiao’s Grand Courtyard, Wutai Mountain, Yungang Grottoes, Hanging Temple, Hukou waterfall and the Taihang Mountain Grand Canyon.

The foreign participants were impressed by the province’s beautiful natural scenery, interesting customs, ancient history and profound culture. Many commented that Shanxi should enable more foreigners to know and experience its rich tourism resources.

China Daily took advantage of its worldwide media networks to introduce and promote the province’s tourism and published more than 100 articles, 500 pictures and 21 special pages on its many media platforms, including the China Daily US and Europe editions, as well as its official English website, Sina Weibo microblog, WeChat, Facebook and Twitter.





此次活动由中国日报社面向全球招募了近50 名具有深厚文字功底和较高摄影水平的高端外籍人士(简称“洋霞客”), 来山西进行“体验式旅游”。中国日报社同时也派出了以著名摄影家王文澜带队,特稿部、摄影部、网站等多部门记者组成的联合采访团予以配合。活动分三次举行,分别是:5月份的“太行山水之旅”、7月份的“三大遗产之旅”、9月份的“黄河文化之旅”。通过三次活动,“洋霞客”们造访了晋祠、平遥古城、乔家大院、五台山、云冈石窟、悬空寺、皇城相府、壶口瀑布、太行山大峡谷、王莽岭、运城关帝庙、黄河大铁牛、普救寺、李家大院等知名景区景点,涵盖了人文古建和自然山水,集中了山西旅游的精华。此次活动无论从景点选择还是从接待规格上都经过了精心的策划和周密的安排。“洋霞客”们一路领略到的不只是美丽的风景,也包括各地的风土人情和人们友善的笑脸,山西之行给他们留下了非常美好而又难忘的印象。他们以独特的视角拍摄了大量图片,用发自内心的感情撰写了一篇篇文章,“晋善晋美”的美丽山西新形象通过他们传遍了世界各方。

在此次活动中,《中国日报》充分发挥覆盖全球的媒体资源优势,通过《中国日报》旗舰报、美国版、欧洲版、英文网站、《中国日报》新浪微博账号、微信订阅号、Facebook、Twitter 等多媒体平台,对山西旅游进行了立体式传播与推介,共刊发稿件100多篇、图片500 余幅,推出特刊21个版。

参加此次活动的“洋霞客”是从全世界40 多个国家的500多个报名者中甄选出来的,招募的过程本身就是山西旅游的宣传过程,《中国日报》全面整合自身平面媒体、网络媒体、新媒体、海外社交媒体平台资源,通过国际读者招募、定向邀请、机构和个人推荐等对“洋霞客”进行全球招募,“免费带你游山西”、“发现山西之旅”等诱人的宣传广告语让每一个人都心驰神往。

此次“洋眼看山西”活动非常成功,所到之处,“洋霞客”们无一不对山西古老的历史和深厚的文化发出由衷的赞叹,他们临别时都表达了这样的心情—— 山西旅游太丰富、太精彩了,一定要带家人和朋友来,进行美的体验和享受。同时他们也真诚地建议,一定要加大宣传力度,让全世界都知道山西、了解山西。







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