

Cultural vanguard in Shanxi

Updated:2014-10-21 17:16
( chinadaily.com.cn)

The courtyard of the Jiuyun Cultural Center [Photo/pyonline.net]

One of the many activities that Jiuyun Cultural Center, in Pingyao county, Shanxi province has held was inviting older and younger calligraphers and painters to come join it in sharing their work in a hall of the Pingyao International Photography Festival, on Oct 13.

The venue is an old abandoned factory that was turned into a culture p

The exterior of the Jiuyun Cultural Center [Photo/pyonline.net]

ark by the Jiuyun Culture Development Co to provide cultural services, such as exhibitions, classes, tourism, shopping, entertainment, food and accommodation, following the company's goal of promoting cultural development in the county by increasing culture in tourism by creating new travel programs that integrate culture and tourism resources.

The entrance of the Jiuyun Cultural Center [Photo/pyonline.net]

The focus now is on turning the Jiuyun Culture Center into a vanguard site full of the cultural elements of Pingyao.

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