Pingyao receives award for economical and intensive use of land resources
Updated:2013-07-03 15:41(
Pingyao county in North China’s Shanxi province was commended as a model county for its economical and intensive use of land resources last week.
Pingyao was awarded with 33.33 hectares of construction land for its constructive exploration of mechanisms and practices that will lead to better use of land resources.
The tourist county has made good use of stock land, optimized resources allocation, formulated detailed plans, better protected farmland and improved mechanisms in a bid to promote economic structural adjustment through adjusting the structure of resources utilization and promoting transformation of the development model through transforming models of resources utilization.
A total of 111 cities and counties, and five organizations across China, were commended at the second national commendation meeting for economical and intensive use of land resources, which was held in East China’s Zhejiang province last Tuesday.
Edited by Michael Thai

Pingyao smoked meat
Pingyao smoked meat is an indispensable dish for locals at banquets and it is also hugely popular with tourists.