

Fast facts about Pingyao

( chinadaily.com.cn)

An ancient picture of Pingyao county.

Located in central Shanxi province, Pingyao county is affiliated to Jinzhong city, bordering the counties of Jiexiu, Qixian, Wenshui, Fenyang, Qinyuan and Wuxiang. With the Tongpu Railway, Dayun Expressway, Fentun Highway, National Highway 108 and Dongxia Highway passing through the south, the county enjoys unique geographic advantages and convenient transportation.

Pingyao is a typical county with a large population, high agricultural production, rich cultural relics and thriving tourism. It administers 14 towns and 273 incorporated villages with a total population of 499,700, including 423,400 rural residents. It covers an area of 1,260 square kilometers, including 50,666.7 hectares of farmland.

Pingyao county is home to many various cultural relics. There are 99 historical sites under protection at different levels, 11 at the national level, seven provincial, four municipal and 77 prefectural.

The city walls are still largely intact and are considered among the best-preserved ancient city walls in China.

Rishengchang is considered “the first modern bank in China”. Shuanglin Temple is hailed as the “oriental treasure-house of painted sculptures,” while the Ten-Thousand-Buddha Hall in Zhenguo Temple has a reputation as an “imperial treasure”.

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